Traveling with little ones can be challenging, especially if it is your first time. Adding cloth diapering into the mix doesn't have to be stressful. Using cloth while traveling can be as easy as using cloth at home. We have a few suggestions that can help ease your fears as the holiday travel season approaches.
My favorite hidden tip if traveling by plane, is to pack your diapers in your car seat bag that you will be checking in. Car seats get checked in for free and utilizing your seat space to load your stash helps cut costs or space in your checked or carryon luggage. This way you only travel with your diaper bag essentials.
Remember cloth diapers are amazing at keeping things in due to their real elastic. So no need to fear a blowout while traveling. If you are using disposables while traveling, using a diaper cover surely helps!
Washing wherever you go these days can be as simple as washing at home. AirBnB's, hotels, or family homes all tend to have washing machines. So if you are concerned, ask before you go. We recommend bringing along a small amount of detergent to get your through your stay or to purchase sample size detergent.
Bring a large wetbag that zips up so you can contain your whole stash since you wont have your pail liner. Don't forget to bring a smaller wetbag for your daily go to during your activities and excursions.

If you are worried about solid poop, disposable liners are an easy way to pick up and dispose. Above all, be flexible. If you need to use some disposables during your travels, that's okay.
If you feel we have missed any travel tips you'd like to share with our diapering community. Please add them below.