Snappis are another really great option to fasten a prefold. Made of a stretchy polyurethane, they have grippers similar to bandage closures (but bent back around, not poking down) which hold the prefold in place without pins.
Size 1, Triple pack, one-size fit most. Fits birth to age 3
Size Toddler, Triple pack, for over age 3, only in grey, green orange.
Usually Size 1 is the only size needed from birth to potty learning, but Size Toddler is also available for those who find they need it.
How Do Snappis Work?!
There are teeth on each end of the Snappi that grip onto the fabric of cloth diapers and pull the points to a center.
This is much like how my baby grips onto my mental energy, and makes sure it's 100% focused on her...all the time...forever. Remember: Snappis are used instead of diaper pins. Most babies aren't strong enough to remove Snappis (props if your baby is), so don’t worry about your little one ripping off their diapers.
When would I use a Snappi?
Whenever you would use a diaper pin! If using a prefold or flat cloth diaper, Snappis make sure the diaper stays in place and doesn't bunch up under the cover.
Snappis are made for regular flat or prefolded diapers that need to be held closed. Since Snappi fasteners work by gripping onto the fabric of diapers with little teeth, it will not work with fabrics that cannot be gripped like microfiber or thin gauzy weaves. Snappi fasteners work best with thick woven cotton fabrics. Washable cloth diapers made of microfiber or hemp cloth may not work as well with Snappis since they do not have a weave for the fasteners to grip onto.
The benefits of this fastener include:
SAFER THAN PINS - no more pinpricks for baby or parent!!
RELIABLE - a snug fitting diaper to prevent those dreaded leaks
DURABLE - no snaps that can become brittle/rust, nor any velcro to catch all the lint in the wash!! At least if your Snappi® fastener needs to be replaced, your expensive diaper is not wasted!!
ECONOMICAL – affordable fastener that works very well with the less expensive flat, prefold or contour cloth diapers
EASY to use – allows first time parents, grandparents and people with arthritic problems to cloth diaper with ease. It is as easy as 1 – 2 - 3 ! This unique product was invented by a father who experienced frustration changing his own child's diapers. A snap solution to easier cloth diapering! The Snappi® fastener is manufactured from FDA approved raw materials, a polyester based polyurethane which is degradable on aging through hydrolysis and/or microbiological attack. It contains NO latex or any other adulterant, dilutent or modifying polymers. The composition is 100% polyurethane. Made in South Africa.
Before first use, break in your Snappis. Stretch the Snappi® by holding it in the center with one hand and with your other hand, grab close to the end of one of the arms, avoiding the sharp teeth, and pull. Do not grab the Snappi by the loops. Repeat this about 10 times for each arm. You will notice the material begin to soften up and become more elastic. Once you do this for each arm your Snappi Diaper Fastener is ready for use!
Holding the diaper in place with one hand, attach the Snappi® with the other hand in 3 simple easy steps: Hook Left, Hook Right, Hook Center.